Thank you for this Jim. Unfortunately Holocaust denial has been inching its way into mainstream for a long time, beginning right the liberation of the camps! It includes both outright denial, as well as minimalization, whataboutism, nit-picking and distortion of facts, as well as highlighting alternative histories, victimisation of the Nazis, and drawing parallels or including voices of unrelated groups. Other than the obvious connection to the “Protocols...”, I think a lot of it is guilt/shame, because revisiting those times leaves Westerners with only three roles: one-being so hated that people were willing to forgo their humanity to hate you; second-losing your humanity in order to hate someone; and third-facilitating said loss of humanity. None of these is easy to incorporate into one’s self perception, so any solution that will enable the maintenance of the self is preferred and unfortunately, current orthodoxy prefers individual “truth” over historical one. It’s so much cozier.
I'll admit this new bigotry/denial surprised me. Then again, it shouldn't have. The dogmatic zealotry on campus is completely off the rails. And you're right ... it eschews historical truth in favor of ideology.
I second the field trip idea. Watching “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” would be good use of class time as well. I remember my dad watching a 4 part movie simply entitled “Holocaust”, and I sat down and watched with him. I was about 15. What I find most disturbing is how many prominent Jews now share this denialism.
Thank you, Dr. Hall. As a former high school teacher, I can speak to foundational education. I focused critical thinking, which seems to be lacking today. We cannot cancel history, nor can we erase our humanity. Thanks for the important reminder.
Have you ever read the book Hellstorm by Thomas Goodrich? Or watched the long and informative documentary "Europa: The Last Battle" (available on Bitchute)? You'll see that a lot of evidence points in the direction that the Allies fabricated the holocaust, and that the photos of victims were from prison camps for german people after the destruction of Berlin!
I spoke with my wife's uncle, who was with the Army unit that liberated the main Dachau camp. The sight -- and especially the smell -- haunted him the rest of his life.
I'm mostly questioning the Allies' narrative, because they certainly were NOT "good guys". How much 'classified' horrors (notably, rape of german women and girls) were committed and classified for the sake of 'the greater good' the same Government that fucked us over time and time again. I don't think this 80 year ongoing rape of Europe is justified because I care about my people, my race, my culture. In this Dark Age I'll gladly fight for the last battle of all that is noble and true
Your information comes from those who had a hidden agenda and would profit by saying "Nazi Germany" was a cruel dictatorship. Leni Riefenstahl said life was great in the Third Reich. Maybe you ought to ask yourself why high class English women fell in love with 'fascism' (I'm referring to Unity Valkyrie Mitford and her sister, Diana). Hitler did not want a war, he was forced to because the British and Americans (influenced by Jews), made it occur. Everything you were taught about WWII is wrong, it is the great lie promulgated by jewish elders, by the true forces of evil and disintegration.
lies lies lies lies lies---I mean, seriously, was dropping 2 nukes on innocent civilians in Japan justified? The United States of Assholes has a lot of answering to do
Excellent and very timely, Jim!
Thanks, Paul. I'm journaling about it right now thanks to you. (lol)
Thank you for this Jim. Unfortunately Holocaust denial has been inching its way into mainstream for a long time, beginning right the liberation of the camps! It includes both outright denial, as well as minimalization, whataboutism, nit-picking and distortion of facts, as well as highlighting alternative histories, victimisation of the Nazis, and drawing parallels or including voices of unrelated groups. Other than the obvious connection to the “Protocols...”, I think a lot of it is guilt/shame, because revisiting those times leaves Westerners with only three roles: one-being so hated that people were willing to forgo their humanity to hate you; second-losing your humanity in order to hate someone; and third-facilitating said loss of humanity. None of these is easy to incorporate into one’s self perception, so any solution that will enable the maintenance of the self is preferred and unfortunately, current orthodoxy prefers individual “truth” over historical one. It’s so much cozier.
I'll admit this new bigotry/denial surprised me. Then again, it shouldn't have. The dogmatic zealotry on campus is completely off the rails. And you're right ... it eschews historical truth in favor of ideology.
Well they don’t teach much in schools these days. Literacy is non existent.
I second the field trip idea. Watching “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” would be good use of class time as well. I remember my dad watching a 4 part movie simply entitled “Holocaust”, and I sat down and watched with him. I was about 15. What I find most disturbing is how many prominent Jews now share this denialism.
Thank you, Jim, for posing so powerfully
the essential question: How is this possible?
Foundational education is not happening for our young.
Neither at home, nor at school.
They are not being taught the core elements of freedom.
How can they understand how much they are needed right now
to stand up and defend and vote for democracy in America
if they don't know the horrendous human suffering
that a fascist takeover would cause all of us?
Denial of the Holocaust blinds them to the real and present danger.
All of us writers must reach out to the young.
Teach, inspire, respect, educate them--build the missing foundation.
Thank you, Dr. Hall. As a former high school teacher, I can speak to foundational education. I focused critical thinking, which seems to be lacking today. We cannot cancel history, nor can we erase our humanity. Thanks for the important reminder.
Truth fears no investigation. And never needs laws to enforce it
Have you ever read the book Hellstorm by Thomas Goodrich? Or watched the long and informative documentary "Europa: The Last Battle" (available on Bitchute)? You'll see that a lot of evidence points in the direction that the Allies fabricated the holocaust, and that the photos of victims were from prison camps for german people after the destruction of Berlin!
I spoke with my wife's uncle, who was with the Army unit that liberated the main Dachau camp. The sight -- and especially the smell -- haunted him the rest of his life.
I'm mostly questioning the Allies' narrative, because they certainly were NOT "good guys". How much 'classified' horrors (notably, rape of german women and girls) were committed and classified for the sake of 'the greater good' the same Government that fucked us over time and time again. I don't think this 80 year ongoing rape of Europe is justified because I care about my people, my race, my culture. In this Dark Age I'll gladly fight for the last battle of all that is noble and true
I’m sure Nazi Germany was a great place to live.
Your information comes from those who had a hidden agenda and would profit by saying "Nazi Germany" was a cruel dictatorship. Leni Riefenstahl said life was great in the Third Reich. Maybe you ought to ask yourself why high class English women fell in love with 'fascism' (I'm referring to Unity Valkyrie Mitford and her sister, Diana). Hitler did not want a war, he was forced to because the British and Americans (influenced by Jews), made it occur. Everything you were taught about WWII is wrong, it is the great lie promulgated by jewish elders, by the true forces of evil and disintegration.
You are not worth acknowledgement.
Madame Goebbels. I’m afraid you are conversing with a Jew. You may find my elimination from this world very intoxicating. Dream on little Nazi.
Ask the Russians.
I think we found those Nazis everyone’s been talking about
lies lies lies lies lies---I mean, seriously, was dropping 2 nukes on innocent civilians in Japan justified? The United States of Assholes has a lot of answering to do