Totally enjoying your writing. I don’t believe in the “R vs D” teams. I’m one of those George Carlin “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it” types. Or Leonard Cohen “Everybody Knows”. I haven’t watched “the news” in a long time. They’re all hostage actors, highly paid, to read The Script.
When they announced the weird USAID payments, I couldn’t help but think that they were nothing but a narrative to hide money laundering. When I was in college, a guy running some student organization jokingly logged a legit but marginal petty cash expense as “condoms for the weekend”. The organization got audited. Of course, he got into trouble and had to explain his joke. It was embarrassing to him. It gave the local media something to talk about for a while.
Looking back, that was actually quite clever. Similar to Van Halen stating in a middle of a contract that there be NO BROWN M&Ms BACKSTAGE. David Lee Roth explained many times that was to make sure facilities people actually read the contract because of all their weight and electrical requirements.
What do we do about all our “D Team” friends who won’t get in the lifeboat while their ship is obviously sinking? I see them all over Substack and elsewhere. Even in light of what’s been revealed, they would rather go down with the cult than acknowledge the obvious. I would like to encourage them to join the Rebellion. It doesn’t mean they have to like Elon or Mr T or wear a MAGA hat. If they want to caucus with corruption and phony wars and money laundering and trillion dollar deficits, then I can’t help them.
“Independent News or Government Propaganda? “ In general, I find that when I have to ask these types of questions, it turns out I already know the answer.
Totally enjoying your writing. I don’t believe in the “R vs D” teams. I’m one of those George Carlin “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it” types. Or Leonard Cohen “Everybody Knows”. I haven’t watched “the news” in a long time. They’re all hostage actors, highly paid, to read The Script.
When they announced the weird USAID payments, I couldn’t help but think that they were nothing but a narrative to hide money laundering. When I was in college, a guy running some student organization jokingly logged a legit but marginal petty cash expense as “condoms for the weekend”. The organization got audited. Of course, he got into trouble and had to explain his joke. It was embarrassing to him. It gave the local media something to talk about for a while.
Looking back, that was actually quite clever. Similar to Van Halen stating in a middle of a contract that there be NO BROWN M&Ms BACKSTAGE. David Lee Roth explained many times that was to make sure facilities people actually read the contract because of all their weight and electrical requirements.
What do we do about all our “D Team” friends who won’t get in the lifeboat while their ship is obviously sinking? I see them all over Substack and elsewhere. Even in light of what’s been revealed, they would rather go down with the cult than acknowledge the obvious. I would like to encourage them to join the Rebellion. It doesn’t mean they have to like Elon or Mr T or wear a MAGA hat. If they want to caucus with corruption and phony wars and money laundering and trillion dollar deficits, then I can’t help them.
“Independent News or Government Propaganda? “ In general, I find that when I have to ask these types of questions, it turns out I already know the answer.