Joyous, thanks for the read. It’s a good reminder to take a look back - I was born in 62 - yep, then and now, radically different words in so many ways. What can remain is how we live life - I love the idea that life’s not a journey, but instead a dance.

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Thanks, Daniel. It was fun writing it.

Yes, life is a dance ... at least Garth Brooks said so. ;-)

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Excellent. I was born in '56. Your comment about being born closer to Spanish flu than Covid blew my mind. Then I did the math. 38 years from 1918 to 1956, but 64 years from 1956 and 2020. Then I recovered from mind blown, and I'm now quite depressed. ;) Enjoyed your article, Jim!

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Thanks Paul. I read you religiously.

This was fun. Especially the "Then and Now..." sequence at the end.

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That movie has the feel of Dean in REBEL.

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Watch the movie DRIVE.

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I have some major JD connections as well. You might love my first published novel LIVECELL. I invent the iPhone 7 years before it exists. I'm Eric Green, which rhymes with Steve McQueen, James Dean, and Martin Sheen, who looked a lot like Dean.

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Anyway, it seems lost. I'm Eric Green. Read LIVECELL.

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I already wrote my comment. Where is it.

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I see your comments Eric. Perhaps just a momentary digital lapse between your posting and it showing up? Try refreshing? Meantime, I'll have a look at LIVECELL.

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Thank you. I never seem to be able to post comments so I usually give up. PLEASE let me know of LIVECELL works for you. Notice I wrote in 7 years before the iPhone existed in our world.

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