Great piece. I’m in, MEGA all the way.

Personally, what I detest the most, alongside the trend of smarmy euphemism, is what I call ‘word vomit’. 🤮 Writers like Steinbeck didn’t have it. With just a few perfectly chosen simple words, he could captivate and transport you wherever he wanted. Nowadays, it seems most young writers believe themselves obligated to be social justice warriors, and they just spew-fourth complex wordy jargonistic narratives that they have been brainwashed with, and not thought through themselves… rant over.

I’m 99.9% with you, Jim, the only thing I question in your piece is lumping gypsies and tramps in with scoundrels and ne’er-do-wells. What’s wrong with gypsies and tramps? I’ve met some incredible street-folk and some equally incredible gypsies.

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Ha. Thanks, Nic. Really, it was just an homage to Cher. Sometimes I like to sneak in cultural references, past and present.

I dropped this one in at the end of the intro ...

"I believe we can go forward with what we can be, unburdened by what has been."

A salute to Madam Vice-President (now presidential candidate), Queen of the Word Salad.

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Well, in that case, you got me, I didn’t spot those cultural references! You are so much more polite and generous than I, Queen of the Word Salad sounds so impressively majestic, for me she’ll always just be that Camel’s Arse. 🐫 🤷‍♂️ (I know, I know, juvenile / sticks and stones etc)

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A few months ago, I wrote that she was "America's walking, talking WTF" and that "her deaf interpreters just shrug their shoulders."

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Nice one, Jim! I've re-imagined Cher's "Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves" (for some reason). I really need to get down to writing my next article!)....but, since I'm here, may I recommend Cher re-title, and thus, sing, "Miscreants, Scofflaws & Ne'er-do-Wells."

There. I feel better....or, at least I will when "the passage of time reveals the passing of time that will bring about the passing of time"...........one day.

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Maybe a theme piece about the passage of time ... "Time In a Bottle" (Croce), "Time is on My Side" (Stones), "If I Could Turn Back Time" (CHER!), "Time" (Pink Floyd). Or is this one for Steve Goldberg?

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That’s a pretty good starter list, and just in time! Steve might enjoy that task, actually. I think he’d also enjoy the inclusion of “By the Time I Get to Phoenix”!

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Every possible derivation of "moving forward" and "going forward," saying you want something "end of day Tuesday" (isn't it simply end of Tuesday), "unpacking" anything that isn't luggage and a whole host of other hateful corporate jargon and buzzwords that, as George Carlin so keenly obscured, obscure the true meaning of what you say.

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Thanks, Robert. I've written 3 or 4 of this type of word/phrase critiques, and "going forward" was in one of those.

"Unpacking" ... dang, I missed that one. Cheers!

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Thank you for you wonderful essay, JIm.

I am with you. MEGA all the way!

A grotesque word

I have refused for years to utter:


Life is not a style. Period.

We sully life to call it a style.

We make ourselves into poseurs.

I do not HAVE a lifestyle.

I have a LIFE.

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Jim, I am now convinced you have BSDS, Brussel Sprouts Derangement Syndrome....say it ain't so!

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They are a soulless lump of cruciferous pulp. And un-American!

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but have you tried them with bacon bits and blue cheese Jim....do not be so close minded now LOL

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Frosty, man, frosty…snaps fingers…say, chum, Maynard, Dobie, Zelda and I were going to stop by the soda fountain for treats later. Can you dig it?

We all knew what was happenin’ then. Fer shure…. Groovy.

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I really miss "groovy." In fact, I brought it up in one of my past language critiques as a word I'd like to make a return.

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I’m not a fan of “in my opinion.” If you state something it is your opinion! No need to preface it! I’m also tired of “Let’s do this!” and “what the American people want…”.

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Thanks, Dan. Yeah, I never use "in my opinion." I've found using "to my mind" means the same thing, but is a better transition.

There were quite a few terms left on the cutting room floor. "What the American people want ..." Yes, that's a real turd.

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Fun with words! Another banger, Jim. That's a word I'd like to see go the way of the dinosaur. (assuming they are all gone). There are lots more. I enjoyed your writing again today.

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Thanks, Paul. I've already received tons of suggestions via email. I had more myself, but decided 1,500+ words were enough.

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Another well versed article. I would challenge my class to find words in the dictionary that were nebulous in nature.

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Like to know if you have received my messages that I have sent.

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