Jim - what a great post! Very even-handed, laying out points of view from all “sides”, and ultimately coming to the only reasonable prescription: sunlight is the best disinfectant. Looking forward to a potential examination of the Snowden affair!

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Thanks, Michael. Paul Macko suggested the same about Snowden. Hmmm....

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I won’t deny great minds think alike, and Paul is definitely a great mind - I had read his comment and was simply riding his more astute coattails….

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Agreed. I look forward to seeing both of you on Friday.

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Great bio, Jim! I learned a lot about him that I had not heard before. I really haven't thought about Assange, other than when he was in the news for a minute at at a time. Any similar articles about Snowden in the future?

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Thanks, Paul. This was without a doubt the most challenging piece I've ever written (aside from my Master's thesis). I also think it's the best thing I've done on Substack.

And yes, the thought of featuring Snowden has crossed my mind.

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