Appreciate the update. You have a nice group of folks out here that love you. (In a way a guy can like another guy, you know...) Keep doing the healthy things, and get this short side track behind us. And I'm sure it goes without saying that we want to hear that "old man yelling at the clouds" again soon. Talk soon, brother from another country.

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Thanks for the update, Jim. I am inspired by your commitment to your health and fitness and for not shying away from the tough stuff and facing it head on. Looking forward to reading your posts for years to come!

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I have this obsessive habit of outworking these kinds of things.

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Happy to hear you're feeling better, Jim, at least to the point of writing! Here's hoping your December is filled with happiness, rest, and Christmas!

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Glad to hear you are on the mend Jim. Thanks for sharing your story!

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Dear Jim,

I love your whole letter, and I love you.

How wonderful that you are writing great again!!! I rejoice with you 🎺🎶🎶🎶

I am deeply moved and inspired by your courage.

You are utterly unstoppable.

You have overcome

Your loving heart and free spirit

shine in your every word,

and you are looking great.

You go, dude


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