Funny stuff, Jim! Those highway and church signs made me think of a couple '60s-era "Dad jokes" when my bro and I were around 10 or so: The "Zombies Ahead" sign reminded me of long vacation drives we used to take, with Dad driving, Mom in front passenger seat, and Clint and I in back. With carefully-chosen inflections to maximize the funny, Dad would announce, "What's that in the road...........a head?!" Of course, we'd look, without fail (and of course, laugh hysterically)!

When driving through Houston, back in the day (with us in tow), when we'd pass a school for the blind with its attendant nearby signs that said, "Watch For the Blind," Dad wondered aloud: "I wonder if, at the School for the Hearing-Impaired, they have signs that say, 'Listen For the Deaf'." Clint and I were living in a sitcom...............thankfully!

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We were all subjected to "Dad jokes" when we were kids, Brad. My dad was the worst.

Now we're telling them. ;-)

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Thanks for the chuckles today!

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These gems just kept getting better

They KILLED me, Jim!

Thank you so much

from one of those

overly serious ones

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I LOL'ed and ROTFL'ed, LMAO'ed all the way through this one, Jim. I love funny. I am surprised that you don't, um, wear a thong. I do, but just once. If you know what I mean.

Brad's Dad's driving announcement of a head, reminded me of: "I remember seeing signs out on folks lawns that say, Slow-Children Playing. I often feel for those parents". And this church sign: "Honk if you love Jesus. Text and drive if you want to meet him."

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